Gaia Grey




Price Per Slab + GST

1 in stock

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  • Country of Origin – Turkiye
  • Colour – Black, brown, beige, cream and orange 
  • Surface – Polished
  • Type – Bookmatch

Gaia Grey (Tourmaline Dravite) assists in healing past relation issues allowing you to move into a loving union with your beloved one. This stone activates and stimulates grounding creating stability in your life. It allows you to feel safe and supported and move forward.

This stone with its particular colour combination and veining can be used in the kitchen as benchtops, splashbacks or sinks, in the bathroom as wall cladding or flooring. It will elevate any area by helping you become grounded and stable in your life.

Additional information

Weight 200 kg
Dimensions 20 × 3060 × 1820 mm

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