Honey Onyx




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  • Country of Origin – Iran
  • Colour – Range of many earthly colours like browns, golds, reds, and yellows  
  • Surface – Polished
  • Type – Bookmatch

Honey Onyx (Pietersite) is the key to Heaven, enhancing your connection to higher spiritual wisdom and knowledge. This stone frees you from the entrapments of the mind assisting in accessing clarity, inner strength, and spiritual awakening.

With its colours yellow, golden and browns, Honey Onyx (Pietersite) is ideal for counter tops, home tables or office desks, decorative wall cladding, lighting accessories, sinks, bathroom vanity and many other installations. Envisage yourself in your bathtub enjoying your bubble bath with back-lit Honey Onyx (Pietersite) on the walls or leading a stuff meeting with this splendiferous marble enlightening the office.

Additional information

Weight 200 kg
Dimensions 20 × 2780 × 1750 mm

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