Jasmine Black




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  • Country of Origin – Turkiye
  • Colour – Black with white, beige and yellow streaks and veining
  • Surface – Polished
  • Type – Bookmatch

Jasmine Black (Obsidian) is the powerful cleanser of negative energy in the body and energy field. This stone draws to the surface any unresolved issues for release and healing. It allows old habits and traits to surface so you can love and accept the self in its totality allowing you to enter into the void to receive wisdom and knowledge from our shadow side.

Being a popular statement piece among designers, Jasmine Black (Obsidian) reflects the true beauty of nature. It is perfect for empowering and elegant benchtops or splashbacks, bathroom vanities, flooring, wall cladding and special installations. Envisage you are welcoming your clients to your show room or your friends for a home gathering on Jasmine Black (Obsidian) floors.

Additional information

Weight 200 kg
Dimensions 20 × 2900 × 1900 mm

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